Monday, March 29, 2010

Eat Right Through the Drive Thru

     I came across this article on and thought it was something very useful that we could all take advantage of.  It has the top 10 healthy fast food options and nutritional break down.  It's no secret that we could always eat better, exercise more, and try to take more care of ourselves, especially as we get older.  The other part of that is that we work and have a hundred of other things going on where it sometimes makes eating right a difficult chore.  Who doesn't want to get the bacon cheeseburger and fries?  It's cheap, tastes great and you can get it a few minutes.  Perfect, right?  SIKE!Quite the opposite, especially if we make that a common routine.  Our clothes get tighter, you don't have the same kind of energy and you know it's just not healthy for you.  Well this article at least gives us some options that we can still try and eat better and quite healthy while on the go and taking advantage of healthier options on fast food menu's.  Who wouldn't want a grilled chicken meal with mashed potatoes and corn every once in while, so take a look and make note of some of the options and give it a try the next time you're running around.  You'll feel much better and appreciate the variety from eating salads everyday.
(Salad, you're mean and not nice, please taste better soon!)

~ KR

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