Wednesday, August 1, 2012

"Born And Raised" x John Mayer

     One of the easiest things to say is a major pop rock artist just released a fantastic album of ballads that everybody will love…….yeah…..well that happened.  Playboy Mayer has released probably his best work of art so far with his album "Born and Raised".  Everybody is familiar with his multiple platinum albums and even more familiar with his numerous trysts with some of the most beautiful women on the planet.  This seems, feels, and sounds different than anything he's done before musically and socially.  He let it go….let it all go… can really hear a musical honesty in this album that resonates that he's making music for himself and what he thinks is really good song writing.  The maturity of previous records and his retraction from the public eye let him focus on fantastic, quality, music.  I liken the record to an instant classic rock album that could have been released between 78 and 82 and carried on for 30 years as rock gold.  Touches of Neil Young, Steve Miller, James Young, etc...  Along with letting the hair grow and going all hippie on us (back to the letting it go part), Mayer has provided an album we can listen with your best friends at the summer bbq, in the house cleaning, at night in bed with your lady, sitting by the pool with the earphones, pretty much an album you can listen to at any point and be completely satisfied and happy….and really, what is music about…to express your emotions in ways that you maybe can't….and to bring you enjoyment, which this definitely does.  Burn a copy for your parents, neighbor, and anybody else that needs to relax and put their thoughts on something else.
Kudos Mr. Mayer….we all grow up at some point…even if you end up looking like a mountain man.

Oh yeah, check his cool visual for "Queen of California" and shout out to Ms. Myers for putting my ear on John and this video.  Owe you one.

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