Thursday, February 4, 2010

Lost Theories - Final Season

I know we know that what ever has happened…happened.
And we know "dead" is no longer really dead.

The side flashes we are seeing is a new “Now” time-line where the “Man in Locke” aka “Smokey” is the Locke on the plane that gets off at LAX. The man in black basically says that he’s going home… he’s getting off the Island???
What ever it is inside of Locke, it is not the real Locke that we see in season one. The reason he is not the beaten man that didn’t go on a walkabout is because he is still "Smokey". So this still continues that what ever happened… has happened

Sayid is Jacob Reincarnated.

This season is about the shake out of flashes of people on the island fighting for a spot to get off the island aka get on the Plane so they can get to the new timeline…the timeline that plane lands in LAX .

The Oceanic 6 will appear to die on island but will be reincarnated into the new time line.

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