Learning should be a life-long process that all humans should actively partake in every day in some fashion. It's even better when two of the worlds best educational institutions provides an offering of education to the masses. Harvard and MIT have come together and have agreed to offer select classes for free online. Read this great article by Rebecca Rosen (@beccarosen), who writes for the Atlantic. She goes into detail over the $30 million that each school has provided into this non-profit partnership called edX. It's a leadership role that both view as a responsibility to society and a major advancement in education overall. The video is hard to ignore in how it will shape the future of education for everyone across the globe and how technology can make that possible. If you can access an internet connection, you have some of the best resources available on the planet at your fingertips.
It might be a coincidence, but I also stumbled upon course offerings from Yale University on iTunes U. Everything from the actual class audio to notes, books, etc. is available and includes subject offerings such as the Revolutionary War, Astronomy, Early Middle Ages and the list goes on. Looking around on iTunes U, there seems to be a plethora of offerings from all kinds of institutions. I'm sure it's been available for a while, but I think it's amazing how all of this information and knowledge is available to the masses and in many cases, for free.
Nobody should ever be bored with these types of tools out there that can only enlighten you on pretty much anything you could possibly be interested in. You owe it to yourself to be better, so why not try...
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